Sunday, May 11, 2008

I love sleep....

So, we've had the munchkin back from surgery for two days now and personally... I'm spent!
We have to give him 3 different types of medication about every 4 hours and whew! It's tough to keep up. We (especially me) have been catching up on sleep here and there where we can. Lots of little one or two hours naps here and there. Today is mother's day and we haven't done anything really excited for Leann today. I got her some gifts that she really liked but i didn't even go out and buy a card (I know I'm a terrible husband).... although I think the card is less important to Leann than spending time together is. We had a good time last night spending time together playing with her new mother's day gift as a family.... A ROCK BAND FAMILY! Yup, that's one of the things that I got for Leann for Mother's day, a special edition rock band game for the XBOX! It comes with another Guitar, a Drum Set, and a microphone for singing. We rocked out last night and I took some funny videos that I'll be posting to YouTube shortly. For now here are some pics of our "mother's day" family event.



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