Sunday, March 30, 2008

Testing out some new gadgets...

So I'm using "Windows Live Writer" to write this blog post.  It's a desktop app that I got from Microsoft when I downloaded and installed Windows Live Gallery so I could upload a lot of my photos to Flickr.  This seems pretty cool as it is spellchecking on the fly.  I also have buttons to the right for inserting pictures, tables, maps, tags, videos, and hyperlinks.  It also looks like it supports other Plug-ins as well.  Pretty interesting.

Here's a picture that I've posted:

Windows Live Writer

I now see that I have lots of options for this picture... in an advanced tab where I can set certain effects on the picture like black and white etc...  Pretty cool stuff!

Speaking of Flickr (okay, I mentioned it only briefly above), I've spent a bunch of time with my pictures today because of that darn website!  I like it a lot... but I'm now forced to rething my photos.  I've been spending the last hour or so tagging all my photos.  I successfully have tagged all my dog photos and stored them into individual shots (tagged with their name) as well as a generic category titled "dogs".  Hopefully I keep this up.  .... although, now thinking about it.  I'll have to tag them in Flickr from now on as most of them will be uploaded automatically because I'm using EyeFi.. hmmm interesting... my Flickr images will be tagged but the local copies will not if I do decide to do that.... hmm.  I guess that's something to noodle on while I sleep tonight.  Anywho, it just occured to me that I've not posted before using this tool and if I don't stop typing soon I could have a whole lot of content that I can't post on my hands ;)

So until next time!

Laters Gators

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